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In an effort to reduce the amount of spam we receive, we have removed all email links from the site. Our old general email address ( has been deactivated.

To write to us either manually type the following addresses into the "To:" field of your email program, or highlight the address below, right-click and choose Copy. Then switch to your emai program, place the cursor inside the "To:" field of your mail program, right-click, and then choose Paste.

We apologize for this inconvenience, but this is the easiest way to deal with the problem right now.

Please contact us through one of the following addresses.

For Information on:
Use this email address:
General Consulting and Training Services
To Contact Specific Staff:
Merlin K. L. Bicking, Ph.D.
A. D. "Kipp" Barksdale, Ph.D.

You can also contact us through more traditional means:

3534 Jessie Ct
St. Paul, MN 55125 USA

Phone: (651) 731-3670

Fax: (651) 730-0965

Home Overview Best Practices Training Consulting Lab Life-Line Contact Us

ACCTA, Inc., 3534 Jessie Ct, St. Paul, MN 55125 USA
Phone: (651) 731-3670 Fax: (651) 730-0965
For information on contacting the webmaster, click here.
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