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Lab Life-Line

Improve The Way Your Lab Manages Workflow and See Your ROI Increase

Do these situations describe your lab?

  • You could benefit from Workflow Optimization if:
    • Your lab is under stress from high workloads and diminishing resources - are you trying to do more with less?
    • You are concerned about productivity - do you think you can do more?
    • You and your staff lack experience and time to optimize the lab's processes.
  • You could benefit from Life-Line Access if:
    • Your senior staff are too busy to deal with other daily laboratory issues and problems?
    • Your lab lacks senior scientists who can mentor less experienced analysts?
    • You need a rapid answer and can not wait for a scheduled visit?

Our Lab Life-Line program is a unique opportunity for laboratories to get access to advanced technical laboratory skills with two different programs, depending on your needs.

Workflow Optimization

A typical project might involve the following activities:

  • Comprehensive review of existing workflows, including interviews with all stakeholders (management, laboratory, quality)
  • Preparation of proposed changes with a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) illustrating the advantages of implementing the changes
  • An estimate of the costs to develop and implement the changes
  • Develop and implement the changes
  • Provide a summary of the actual ROI at the end of the project

Many laboratories are not using all of the capabilities of their instruments, software, and staff. Among the possible improvements are:

  • Improved chromatographic methods that are optimized for speed without sacrificing resolution,
  • Sample preparation procedures that require less time and fewer solvents, without comprimising accuracy (even simple "dilute-and-shoot" procedures often can cost much less with some simple changes),
  • Understanding how to get the software to do as many calculations as possible, eliminating most, if not all, manual data entry and spreadsheet calculation steps,
  • Generate reports that give you what you need - calibration information, quality control results, and sample calculations.

Life-Line Access

For labs that do not have advanced internal resources, you can still answers to your questions, using our unique technical support program:

  • Ten hours of technical support per month
  • Options for one, three, or six months
  • One low monthly fee
  • Ability to communicate and share documents by either phone or email
  • Ask questions relating to:
    • Operation of specific instruments in the client's laboratory
    • Methods in use on those instruments
    • New methods that require development or implementation on those instruments
    • Other issues related to operation of client's analytical laboratory
  • Access to "inside" tips and tricks that are not available to the public

There are substantial benefits to implementing these programs in your labortory. However, they will often involve a change away from inefficient existing practices. This process also requires an investment in time and resources by the laboratory, which often meets resistance from laboratory management. In our experience, the ROI calculations indicate that these investments offer significant advantages for the laboratory, and we would be happy to share our experience with you.

For some simple examples, see our article in Lab Manager Magazine: "Investing to Save." Learn how using ROI calculations can help your lab reduce stress and improve performance.


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ACCTA, Inc., 3534 Jessie Ct, St. Paul, MN 55125 USA
Phone: (651) 731-3670 Fax: (651) 730-0965
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